Foundations of Medical
Technology Innovation

Collaborators: Safer Care Victoria, Victorian Department of Health, Monash Institute of Medical Engineering

Access the course here.

We have launched the first Biodesign course for Australian clinicians in response to our clinical innovation research with Safer Care Victoria, which concluded that clinicians urgently need better education in innovation.

The course covers the needs identification and solution invention stages of the Stanford Biodesign process. In other words, you will learn 1) a rigorous process to identify and characterise the best clinical problem to work on and 2) how to brainstorm and prototype the best solution to move forward with. Although the ideal participant would be one who hasn't already committed to a project, this information is even more important for those who already have.

This course will not cover the most complex part of the Biodesign process - implementation, which encompasses clinical, technical and operational strategy (e.g. regulatory, reimbursement, business models, intellectual property strategy). This advanced material will be covered in our Biodesign Masterclasses with MIME.